Ian Carter
Co-founder and MD, Inclu.
Ian dedicates his time to making the world more accessible, to all. He was one of the early adopters and developers of web accessibility and has always recognised the importance and value of presenting information in alternative formats. And for more than 30 years has applied his tech credentials to practical solutions and services with a specific focus on travel, tourism and online disability awareness training. Ian co-founded the Good Access Guide, Equo and Inclu Consulting and trained as an accessible travel specialist travel agent.
But ask Ian of his priority in life and it will be the support, love and care he bestows to Karen, his lovely wife. Karen sustained a spinal cord injury in 1988 and is tetraplegic. So the impact of catastrophic injury on individuals and their loved ones is a reality Ian and Karen understand only too well. A daily reminder that disability can touch us all, at any moment. But also a testament to the resilience of the human spirit… Karen continues her role as a successful theatre director – which explains why we can often see Ian treading the boards. And it’s a constant reminder to him who is really the boss in the Carter household!
And Ian has just retired from being an on call firefighter here in Suffolk. Ian served his community for 21years, attending many varied incidents in that time.